Доклад специального комитета ПАСЕ относительно событий 19 декабря 2010 г. в г. Минске, последовавшие за президентскими выборами в Беларуси (англ.)
The Belarusian Presidential election took place on 19 December 2010. From the outset of the election
campaign, presidential candidates Vladimir Niakliayeu, Vital Rymasheuski, Andrei Sannikov and Nikolai
Statkevich called on their supporters to gather on the evening of 19 December 2010 in October Square to
defend their votes and protest against what they considered to be an unfair election.
It has been estimated that, in the immediate aftermath of 19 December 2010, over 600 people were
subjected to brief summary trials and sentenced to fines or to administrative detention lasting from 5 to 15 days
for participation in an illegal demonstration.